You can enter Plymouth Race Week 2025 online and offline. Simply fill in the online entry form and complete payment, or download the entry form and post or hand in your completed application with payment to the Race Week secretary at the Royal Western Yacht Club.

Do you need a Rating?

For all those wishing to enter the IRC, VPRS or YTC classes, a valid rating certificate if required. Details of how you can obtain a rating from the respective organisations are detailed below.

PLEASE NOTE: Entrants who do not hold a rating on the day of registration will not be allowed to compete in the event.

IRC Rating

Applications for IRC ratings should be submitted via the RORC Rating Office.

VPRS Rating

Applications for a VPRS rating should be submitted via the VPRS rating office.

YTC Rating

Applications for a YTC rating should be submitted via the AERA YTC rating office.

If you do not have a IRC, VPRS or YTC rating you can still submit your entry form by ticking the ‘Rating to be confirmed’ box on the entry form.

Race Week 2025 Entry Fee